LOZY Tasikmalaya membuka lowongan kerja, 3 Posisi lowongan kerja LOZY cek sekarang!
lokertasik.com - Lowongan Update 17 Mei 2023. Lowongan Lowongan Kerja LOZY Tasikmalaya.
lokertasik.com adalah website yang membagikan informasi lowongan kerja di Tasikmalaya, Ciamis, Banjar, Garut, Pangandaran dan nasional. Informasi didapat dari sumber yang terpercaya dan dapat diandalkan dari HRD perusahaan.
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Lowongan Kerja LOZY
Management Trainee
1. Fresh graduates from reputable university with Bachelor of Management, Psychology, and Accountant
2. Maximum age 25 years old
3. Minimum GPA 3.00
4. Able to work Individually and whitin a team
5. Work well under pressure
6. Good character, creative and innovative
7. Honest and great responsibility
8. Good communication and interpersonal skill
9. Willing to be placed in Lozy Warehouse
head office Tasikmalaya
Segera Kirimkan CV and portfolio to hr@lozy.id
dengan judul Management Trainee_Full Name
Tiktok Content Creator
Job Description
Create/produce TikTok content for product promotion Identify audiences needs and recomend new topics Pay attention to do’s and don’ts during content production Research provide TikTok content ideas that are currently trending
1. Max Age 26.
2. Min. Bachelor’s Degree From Any Major With Reputable
University (Experiences As Content Creator Will Be Plus).
3. Knowledgeable With Content And Tiktok, with its trend & algorithm.
4. Able to do Reasearch And Analyze Content.
5. Has Capability To Shoot Video, Take Pictures, & Edit (Using Tiktok Tools,vn, Capcut Or Others).
6. Creative And Inovative.
7. Honest And Great Responsibility.
8. Work Well Under Pressure.
9. Able To Join Immediately.
10. Willing To Be Placed In Lozy Head Office Tasikmalaya.
Send your CV and portfolio to hr@lozy.id
with subject Tiktok Content Creator _Nama Lengkap
Host Live Streaming (full time)
Deskripsi Pekerjaan
• Memandu acara live streaming di platform dan akun media social Lozy Hijab
• Memandu kegiatan operasional dalam live streaming lozy hijab
• Menyiapkan materi untuk setiap sesi live streaming
1. Perempuan berkerudung usia minimal 18 tahun sd 27 tahun
2. Memiliki minat yang tinggi terhadap fashion
3. Memiliki kemampuan komunikasi dan berbicara di depan umum yang baik
4. Good Looking (mampu merawat diri)
5. Mampu bekerja secara tim maupun individu
6. Penampilan fisik menarik (photogenic)
7. Nyaman tampil di depan kamera
8. Menyukai mempelajari hal baru
9. Jujur, disiplin, dan bertanggung jawab
10. Mampu bekerja secara fleksibel
Kirimkan CV dan portfolio ke email hr@lozy.id
dengan subjek Host Live_nama lengkap